Terms and Conditions

1 - Introduction

These Terms and Conditions govern the access to and use of the www.rwagency.pt Website, the responsibility of ROYAL WARRIORS AGENCY LDA., a company based in the Canhoso Industrial Park, 6200-027 Covilhã. Any legal questions regarding the Website may be found in the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy sections, which are an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.

The use of this Website by any user will be governed by the following Terms and Conditions, implying their use of them by the user. If you reject these Terms and Conditions, you must cease using these Terms and Conditions.

RW Agency may change or update, in whole or in part, these Terms and Conditions, as well as the Privacy Policy. Any changes or updates to these Terms and Conditions, as well as those of the Privacy Policy, will become effective as soon as published in the respective section of the Website. Users are advised to regularly check the sections of the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to check the most up-to-date versions.

Access to and use of the Website is made available solely for personal use and for the sale of goods and services, payment for the goods or services requested, the sale of products or services deemed of interest to users of the Website, or to communicate with them for other purposes (the "Products").

RW Agency reserves the right to discretionally assess compliance with these Terms and Conditions by any user. Violation of the Terms and Conditions may result in the withdrawal of the license of use granted by RW Agency pursuant to this Clause 1 and thus exercise its rights to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Users undertake to indemnify and exonerate RW Agency, its subsidiaries and group companies, as well as legal representatives, partners and employees, from any damages, lidations, claims or claims for compensation, including expenses and costs of representation, requested by third parties as a result of the use of the Website in terms of these Terms and Conditions, and/or by virtue of violation of the conditions set forth therein, and/or resulting from non-compliance with the representations and guarantees in the works of these Terms and Conditions.


2 - License

Without prejudice to the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions, RW Agency authorizes any user to use this Website for personal or informational purposes only, as provided in these Terms and Conditions. The use license may be revoked by rw agency at any time.

Pursuant to the law and these Terms and Conditions, you may not copy, use, transfer, rent, sublicense, alter, adapt, attempt to modify or alter the source code, perform reverse engineering operations, decompile or disassemble, in whole or in part, the content of the Website. By accessing the Website, you acknowledge and agree that your content may be incomplete, inaccurate, unupdated, or may not meet your needs and requirements.


3 - RW Agency Content and Limitation of Liability

Access to and use of the Website, including the display of web pages, are activities performed by users.

Users are solely and exclusively responsible for the use of the Website and its contents. RW Agency is not responsible for, nor does it assume responsibility for the use (if any) of the Website that does not comply with the legal provisions in force.

In particular, users are solely responsible for communicating incorrect, false, or third-party information or data without their consent, as well as for the misuse thereof.

The contents of the Website may contain inaccuracies or gralhas. RW Agency is not responsible for, nor shall it be liable, by any means or mode, for inaccuracies and errors, damages (if any) caused or resulting from the use of information derived from the Website, or through the Website, by users. The user is solely and exclusively responsible for evaluating the information and content obtained through the Website.

The Website and all information and content posted on it may be changed by RW Agency at any time, from time to time and/or without notice.

Considering that any content that may be downloaded or otherwise obtained, results from a free user decision and is made at your own risk, any damage (if any) to the computers or loss of data resulting from download operations performed by the user, will be the sole responsibility of the user and may not be attributed to RW Agency. RW Agency assumes no responsibility for damages (if any) resulting from the inability to access the services made available through the Website or by data (if any) caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, interruptions of service, cancellation of content, internet-related issues, service providers or telephone and/or telematics connection, unauthorized access, data changes, or related to the lack and/or poor functioning of the user's electronic devices.

You are responsible for the storage and correct use of your personal information, as well as responsible for any damage or injury caused to RW Agency or third parties as a result of misuse, loss or theft of personal information.

In cases of registration, the user is responsible for the storage and correct use of his credentials, which allow access to the reserved area of the services (if any). In such circumstances, you will be responsible for creating your username and password. The user will also be responsible for providing specific information, which must be correct and updated. You will not be able to choose a third party username in order to use your identity. You may not also use the username of a third party without your express consent.

The user must ensure the confidentiality of his password and should not share it with third parties.

You are fully and solely responsible for any actions taken through your user account (if any), directly or through third parties authorized by you. RW Agency may revoke the license, at any time, if the practice of any abusive, fraudulent or illegal act is identified.

RW Agency has promoted the adoption of appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard the security of the services provided by it through the Website, to ensure the integrity of electronic traffic data related to unauthorized forms of use or knowledge, and to avoid risks of dissemination, destruction or loss of data and confidential or non-confidential information of its users, website, or related to access – unauthorized or in breach of applicable legal provisions – to said personal data and information.

RW Agency does not warrant, nor can it guarantee that the Website is free of viruses or any other element that may adversely affect the technology.


4 - Access to the Website. Interruption and Suspension

RW Agency makes its best efforts to provide continuous access to the Website, however access to the Website may be suspended, limited or interrupted at any time regardless of the reason. Access to the Website may be limited from time to time to allow the recovery, maintenance or introduction of new features or services. RW Agency will make the best efforts to regain access as soon as possible. RW Agency reserves the right to block access to any material and/or remove any material that may, in its discretionary understanding, cause a violation of these Terms and Conditions.

RW Agency reserves the right to terminate user accounts (if any) that violate these Terms and Conditions, including in situations where it is verified that you are using proxy IP addresses in order to hide the use of multiple accounts, or wish to be identified as being in a country other than the one you are actually in, or cause disruption to the operation of the Website by any means.


5 - Protection of Personal Data

Users are advised to read and review the Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of these Terms and Conditions, to understand how the Website collects and uses users' personal data and what their purposes are.


6 - Intellectual Property Rights

All rights are reserved. The Website and all its contents, including without limit, articles, opinions, other texts, lists, user manuals, photographs, drawings, images, video or audio clips, or marketing texts, as well as trademarks, logos, domain names, and any other elements that may be covered by property rights (including source codes) and/or other forms of intellectual property rights (hereinafter "Material"), are the property of rw agency or third parties, and are protected from the use, copying or disclosure not authorized by national laws and international treaties relating to Intellectual Property Rights. None of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and/or the contents contained on the Website may be construed as implicitly conferring, accepting or by any licensed means the right to use any Material by any means, without the prior written consent of RW Agency or the third party owner of the Material or intellectual property rights on the Website.

Use, copying, reproduction, alteration, republication, updating, downloading, sending by email, transmission, distribution or duplication, or for any other abusive act of the Material not specifically identified, but of the same nature, are prohibited.

As a user of the Website, you undertake not to use the Material for illegal purposes and not to violate the rights of RW Agency.

You may, however, view and display the contents of the Website and/or the Material on the screen of a computer, tablet or mobile phone, store such content in electronic form on the disc (but not on a server or on a memory device connected to the Internet), or print a copy of such content for your personal, non-commercial use, and should however retain all information relating to intellectual property rights.

Access to the Website does not give you any right over the content made available by RW Agency.


7 - Links to other websites

If the Website makes links ("Links") available to third-party websites or to content made available by third parties ("Other Websites"), RW Agency hereby informs you that links to such Other Websites are included solely for informational purposes and for your convenience. RW Agency does not control the Other Websites and therefore is not responsible for such Other Websites or for the content they provide (including without limit, reference to social networks) and is not responsible for any damages or losses that may result from your use of the Other Websites, as well as the processing of personal data during internet browsing operations. Access to any Other Website, through a link on the RW Agency Website, will be made at your sole responsibility and risk.

You should therefore pay particular attention when connecting to Other Websites through existing links on the RW Agency Website and carefully read their Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies.


8 - User Representations and Warranties

You acknowledge and represent that:

  1. Read and understood these Terms and Conditions;
  2. You will refrain from reproducing, duplicating, copying, selling, reselling, or by any means commercially exploiting the Website or its contents, and refrain from using or reproducing the marks or any intellectual or industrial property rights of RW Agency.
  3. You will not publish or use false, reviled or defamatory information;
  4. You will refrain from using, directly or indirectly, the services or the Website for purposes contrary to the law or in accordance with the principles contained in these Terms and Conditions;
  5. It will not propagate viruses, spyware, adware, rootkit, backdoor or Trojan virus or other similar computer threats;
  6. You will not use software or other automatic or manual mechanisms to copy or access control of the Website or its content.

9 - Miscellaneous Provisions

The invalidity of any of the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions shall be deleted from these terms, and the remaining provisions of the provisions of the same shall remain in force and produce their effects.

This contract shall be governed by Portuguese and shall be interpreted in accordance with Portuguese law, in accordance with the contracts concluded and executed in that country. In the absence of an amicable agreement between the parties, their conflicts and disputes of any  nature relating to the formation, performance or interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved definitively by  the Courts of Lisbon, with express  waiver of any others.

You may contact Customer Service for any questions relating to the Terms and Conditions or any questions relating to your use of the Website via email to www.rwagency.pt.