What to expect in your first year of activity

The first year as a real estate consultant can be both exciting and challenging. It's a period when you're building your brand and your position in the market. You will develop your network of contacts and learn the particularities of the real estate market. In this post, we'll discuss what you can expect in your first year as a real estate consultant and offer some tips to help you succeed.



During your first year, it's important to focus on your training and mastery of real estate knowledge. Try to participate in all the training programs and specialization courses that the company puts at your disposal to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in your real estate agent career.


Network building

Creating a database is one of the first steps that more experienced consultants would have as a priority if they started again from scratch. Building your network is essential to build your brand and ensure a constant flow of contacts and business. Connect with other real estate agents, owners, buyers and sellers to increase your market visibility and business opportunities.



Your first year as a real estate consultant should be dedicated to establishing your brand and developing your marketing strategy. Identify your target audience, develop effective marketing campaigns and create the tools you need to bring them to you.


Priority management

Time management is a myth. It all comes down to priorities. When something is important to you, you dedicate yourself, when it does not matter your unconscious leaves it for later and in less than nothing weeks have passed and the work is not done.

As a real estate consultant, you'll need to use your time to reflect your priorities effectively. Put your daily tasks, follow-up phone calls, sending emails and scheduling meetings on your priority list. It also ensures that you use some time out of your week for marketing and networking activities.


Skills Development

Your first year as a real estate agent is a year of focus on construction, not necessarily a "productive" year but a "construction" year. To build something you need to develop your skills and knowledge in the real estate sector. Learn from other agents and more experienced colleagues and adopt the learner mindset, it is the only way to ensure that your evolution will happen. People who have the mania that already know everything, tend to be the ones who can't learn because their brain is concluding that there is nothing to learn again.



Finally, consistency is the key to your success as a real estate agent. After your training and skills development, what separates the winners from the losers is the consistency of their commitment. Make sure you're following a consistent work plan and dedicating enough time to every aspect of your business. Maintain a positive and persevering attitude, and prepare yourself to overcome the challenges that will arise.


In short, the first year as a real estate consultant can be challenging, but with the right planning and dedication, you can establish yourself and start building your career in this industry.