Career in real estate: 6 steps to get started

Real estate can be one of the most lucrative and exciting markets to work in. There is a great opportunity within reach of anyone who is committed to a high-level professional approach. Although many people are entering this activity, the current crisis will "cleanse" the mediocre professionals and only the professionals will be left. However, as with any career, getting started can be intimidating but it's also an opportunity to make a difference.

That's why in this article we want to show you the 6 imperative steps to accelerate the results of your business and get faster results in the real estate industry.



Step #1 - True Feedback


The main complaint of clients who deal or have dealt with real estate consultants in the past is the lack of feedback and transparency. It sounds ridiculous but it's the reality. Most consultants don't tell clients the truth and don't give them feedback on the current state of fundraisers or buying processes on time.


Giving feedback is simply answering the question:

- "How's It Going?"


And the truth is, it doesn't cost anything. But it's demanding when you want to be perfect or when you're afraid to tell the truth. That is why at this moment we need Warriors and not agents. Do you want to ensure your success in this area? He works with real clients and tells them the truth. If you don't know how to do something, say openly "I can't answer this question but I have an answer for you by the end of the week."


Professionalism means doing what's right, whether you like it or not, and your success depends on it. If you're at the beginning, focus on truth and transparency.


It offers it to all customers but chooses only those who also operate according to the same values.



Step #2 - Bet on Digital Marketing


We see every day people knocking doors, filling mailboxes with flyers and other types of tactics that bring some results but are completely outdated. Less and less do we want to be bothered at home, let alone have to throw away trash that has been put in our mailbox simply because someone thought we have an interest in something we don't.


The new methodologies imply attracting customers more than chasing customers. No one wants to be persecuted but we all want to be attracted, in particular, by professionalism and quality.


Digital marketing allows you to develop a series of strategies that allow you to attract customers objectively and effectively, making you have less confrontation with customers and more requests to work with you. We can't tell you it's easy, but it's extremely rewarding when you have people coming to you because you've conquered them at some point.


Digital marketing has not arrived now, it has been in place for a long time and whoever masters it will be prepared for the great changes that will happen with artificial intelligence. Those who do not follow the evolution will fossilize in the timeline and the professional update necessary to win.


In Portugal you have a lot of consultants who still do not know how to move the computer and some of them invoice in commissions more than € 100,000 per year!!


Imagine what you'll be able to do when you master the same as him and add effective digital marketing strategies to bring customers to you without having to pester people at home or over the phone.



Step #3 - Work Like a Warrior


The philosophy of work in this area is very determined by each human being. Don't allow yourself to have a slow, uninformed and mediocre work philosophy.


Be the difference you want to see in the world and let it be your will and your mastery that does the work of proving your worth for you.


Gone is the era where we tell clients that we are the agency with the most consultants or the number one selling homes. The human being is more demanding and has become more difficult to deceive with conversations that cannot be proven. No one can prove that you are good other than in the way you conduct a conversation and deal with customer objections or the process of selling real estate.


It makes the client understand that nothing and no one has the power to prevent you from having results and consequently he will also have them. Fight and win the battles of constant argumentation, preparation of real estate, practice and training. Become a master of your art and let your clients become the audience of Portugal Got Talent to applaud and trust you.



Step #4 - Become Master of Your Art


We don't suggest to you that you have to work hard, you just have to KNOW how to work. Remember that a woodcutter chops wood 10x faster than a normal person. It is not because he hits the wood more often, it is because he sharpens the axe and masters the technique of cracking firewood, so with each machete he is effective at cutting firewood.


Train and practice EVERY DAY. Make your training the hardest part of your evolution. At RW we have a motto:


"The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle."


To be master of what you do you must desire and WANT to be phenomenal. It is true that you will not be perfect, no one is, but within yourself you can develop the ability to be fantastic at mastering the objections and challenges of the activity. Become the leader that customers can trust and rest easy because you get the job done.


Your chances of success are not the same as those of others, they are higher, from the moment you decide to work alongside other Masters who are dedicated to their art. You'll be drawn into a work philosophy committed to mastery and mastery and you won't need to wait 20 years to be credible, professional and winning.



Step #5 - Never Expect


Another of the complaints of the clients of this activity is to feel that the consultant does not move. The results are waiting for the results to fall from the sky. Don't wait for things to happen, prepare for battle and stir up the waters. It all starts at the beginning with each customer.


The success of selling real estate depends more on the relationship that is created with the owners and buyers than on the properties in question. YOUR success depends largely on how you are able to lead your customers and not stand in the shade of the banana tree waiting for things to get done.


Don't wait for the customer to call you, CALL YOU.

Don't wait for the bank to say something, TELL YOU.

Don't expect the customer to do something, DO IT.



Step #6 - Master Your Fears


The real estate sector is ideal for those who want to challenge and overcome. Most of the activities in this area represent overcoming, whether it's cold calling, exposure on social media or even dealing with more demanding customers.


Our greatest fears and pains will be in the cause of your sabotage and your lack of good performance. Fear is what makes you not call customers and look for a more distant solution. Fear is what is at the root of your weak sense of worth and self-esteem.


Work on yourself as a human being and learn to put your fears under your arm. As we say at RW: "make them your bitch."


Courage, integrity and honor are 3 values that allow you to face anything anywhere. You live in a reality where most people run away from challenges, are corrupt and sell themselves narrowly because they have no honor to defend, most don't even know who they are.


If you allow fear to dominate your equation, your master beams will shake with every step you take and in less than nothing you will be giving up. Put yourself to the test. Smile at your fears, they are what will make you stronger. You don't have to suffer, but you have to learn to overcome suffering. Your life and your success depends on your WILL to OVERCOME your FEARS.


As you see, very little is about houses. This business and this career isn't about houses, it's about people.


It's about you and about others.


It's about leading human beings through the process of buying the most valuable asset in their lives.


Choose a company that is able to transcend common practices and prepare yourself in the most demanding way possible so that when you meet a customer you feel that it is "easy". If clients seem "easy" to you, then your training and training is effective. If they seem difficult to you, your training is very soft and weakens you instead of strengthening you.


At RW the training is practical and interactive. Like us there is not. But only you know if this way of being is suitable for you. Many people like easy workouts and end up paying the price for this lack of preparation.


Be different.

Be bold.

Be fearless.

Be a warrior.


If you want to join us, get ready, it's not sweet pear.