Real Estate: The Art of Selling Without Never Selling

One of the heaviest things probably in a client's life is having to deal with professionals who force decisions and somehow impose their visions and timings on the client.


A new approach is being born.


A human-focused approach, where connection is the most important thing and not the will to prove to you that we are No. 1 in something.


Have you noticed that almost ALL real estate agents focus and tell clients that their agency is No. 1 on something?


Number one in fundraising.

Number one in sales.

Number one in agents.

Number one in number of stores.


The list is endless and customer attention is scarce.


Let's be honest, when it's up to us, don't we feel exactly the same thing?


That annoyance of hearing someone talk about their medals as if it gave us some confidence.


The reason it conveys no trust at all is because there is no connection.


We are human beings, we are not machines.


Unfortunately in real estate it is rare to find transparent and light human beings.


Therefore, at this moment, a humanistic approach to business is being born.


At RW we want to be Humans first, then Consultants. And not the other way around.


At the end of the day, how we do things MATTERS a lot.


We want to be recognized for the excellence and mastery of an art forgotten in this Portuguese culture, the art of selling without selling.


It's curious because the old guard tell everyone that they are sellers and to sell you have to do everything.


We don't believe these distorted versions about selling anything.


Also because in matters of real estate mediation the agent itself never sells anything, he only attracts potential buyers and does his role, mediate.


Mediating does not mean selling.


Mediating means helping to negotiate, track and clarify what is often confusing for clients.


Mediating is actually the oldest form of selling that exists because it has the focus on harmony and understanding of all parties.


To be a mediator is to be a warrior.

To be a salesperson is to be just another one.


We choose a way to be bolder, more fearless, and more human.


No human being needs to be sold anything, only to help him make decisions.


The world and life exist so that we can strive for harmony and love among all.


Unfortunately this does not always happen, but only a few continue to fight for a higher ideal and a philosophy worthy of being passed on to the next generations.


This art is unique and it is scarce.


It implies a very great internal mastery to be able to conduct a conversation, with genuine interest in the other human being, until we can transmit the necessary trust to a client.


But selling without selling does not work with some people, especially those who from the outset see any professional as their slave and where the value of their work is not taken into account.


So you have to know how to say "I'm not the right person for you".


It must be accepted that not all customers can be managed and monitored by us.


Perhaps because we have different views of the world, of life, or even of work.


And it's all part of the same game, life.


It's all part of this professional and personal journey that we're all involved in.


Always with a view to personal growth and overcoming.


And always in honor of the clients we do not yet know but that the day they come across us they can say "this is the type of people I want to work with".


Living in honor is different from living in fear.


Honor is certainty, it is trust and transparency.

Fear is doubt, distrust and seeing the negative side.


The choice of the warriors is that of Art that seems to have been forgotten.


This art...


Where it is sold, without ever selling.


Because if someone buys, they will do it because they want to and decide.


Not because he had to.